Powerful Gelatin Plate Print

gelatin plate print by linda germainPower runner girl stencil for another gelatin plate print today.

Gelatin Plate Print with

  • yellow, blue and magenta speedball inks
  • two masking stencils
  • layers of shape impressions
  • colored pencil to blend white areas

What I like about this gelatin print –

  • bright colors where maintained
  • energy of the colors and shapes
  • surprising combination of stencils
  • lines of the index card peeking through


Basic gelatin printing techniques in the video below.

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Happy Printing!

2 thoughts on “Powerful Gelatin Plate Print”

  1. Hi Linda, First thank you so much for what you share with us all! My question is in regards to how you use the prints you make. How are you framing them? or using them to make a finished artwork? Perhaps you already show something on this and I have just not found it? Thanks in advance for the time you take to read and reply!
    🙂 Debi

    1. You are welcome. I am happy to inspire others to make marks. Framing and finishing is a challenge for me because I am so in the process. I usually just crop, mat and frame. But sometimes I will crop and adhere to wood. Enjoy,

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