Gelatin jigglers anyone?


Just teasing you.  I would not be eating my gelatin squares.  But it  is fun to cut the big slab of gelatin up at the end of a workshop and put it in the freezer for the next class. A couple of tips for freezing the gelatin for reuse later.

  1. Cut it into manageable squares – easier to thaw later
  2. Use a container that you can put in the microwave
  3. Freeze just one gelatin plate in each container.
One time I put the cut up squares of a a few slabs of gelatin into one big container and then I had trouble trying to thaw out the big frozen chunk of gelatin.
I have a couple of workshops planned for the next month or so.  Check the date and sign up for a gelatin printmaking workshop.
Happy printing!

6 thoughts on “Gelatin jigglers anyone?”

  1. Good question Terri. I usually do it 2 or 3 times, or until it loses its flexibility or it falls apart after hardening. I play it by ear/feel. 🙂 Happy printing

  2. They look so cute! I have been using mine till it looks more like leather hahahaha But still works!
    I enjoy your blog so much! Beautiful work

  3. Terri and Linda: I have been using the same gelatin batch since February. I don’t freeze it, only put it in the fridge. I have developed a routine that I find most practical, after getting a non-stick baking mould and a tupperware big enough for the slab.
    1. Make the gelatin slab (about an inch thick) in the mould and keep it in the lower part of the fridge in the plastic box.
    2. Take it out to print and clean it when finished, with wipes.
    3. Put the slab in the mould with the rough unused side down and into the regular (not microwave) oven at 350F for about 15 minutes, until it gets liquid again. This I do after each printing session. Clean the surface of bubbles, and after settling and cool again, in the box until the next session.
    It only gets a little less after each time. Yesterday I added another batch to it for the first time, to replenish the thickness. It doesn’t break or anything strange, except perhaps a little more bubbly and dirty, but works fine. I am very satisfied with this.

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