Well I came across this fairly new gallery in NYC,
6×6 Gallery. They offer a gallery
submission package for $40.00. It includes a 6 by 6 canvas and get you into a show for a month and online for 3 months. It sounded fun, so I am giving it a try this month. I cropped a gelatin plate print and mounted it on to the canvas, painted the sides and covered the print with gloss varnish. I do love this print. I am going to play around with the 6 inch square format. It might make a good size for Christmas gifts.
Their idea is an interesting concept and after reading some of what they offer for the $40.00 dollars, my only comment is that I wish the size were at least 10×10. Having done a little math, a 6×6 sold at $100 gives the gallery $60.00 and the artist $40.00.
If the artwork could be larger then the price can increase a little more and that would even out the split a little more to 50/50.
Now if the artwork does not sell, well that is another matter.
Have a great week and good luck with your entree.
Clarification for my 60/40 math needed, as it does not appear as obvious.
$40 Dollars for the package, 20% gallery split on $100 is $20 Dollar. That is how I came to 60/40 split.
Yes you are right about the math. You can price the work at whatever you want. It does not have to be for $100. Check out the site. http://store.6x6gallery.com/ There are other costs too. Shipping adds up. It is $6.50 each way and if it sells that might be another $6.50. So it is not perfect but I thought I would give it a try.
I love this print too. And thanks for the link…going to check it out!
Thanks for the encouragement!