I have been playing with transferring rust to paper with random found rusty objects. Sometimes I spritz with water or water and vinegar. The results are not very controllable for me. I would like to have some white areas left. I will continue to collect rust things and experiment some more.
If you want to leave more white spaces, why not try some sort of resist like frisket? I use it with my watercolors. I am unsure of how it will affect the paper if it is left on there for a prolonged period of time. But I think it might be worth a try.
Great idea to use frisket. Thanks. I don’t had any on hand but you got me thinking about other types of masking. I have been thinking about doing some rusting soon. I will have to try out some controlled masking techniques. Thanks
If you do not have frisked just use rubber cement and it rubs right off. The cheap man’s frisked. I was taught this in art school.