Books a good way to show off your monoprints

piles of prints with potentialIf you are an experimental monotype printmaker like me, then you probably have a lot of prints and papers with potential.

stab bound book of monotype prints

The books above are bound in the manner of Japanese Stab binding. This form works well with a soft cover and hard back, and a long landscape style format. We will learn this book form in the Mixed Media Retreat.

accordion style books

Accordion style books are great for display.

I think the natural evolution is to start making books with some of those prints. Things you could make with your prints:

  • book covers
  • end pages
  • whole bound book of prints
  • spine covers

Pamphlet stitched books

Pamphlet stitch binding easy and useful.

If you are curious to get started with some simple book forms, then check out the details, of the online Mixed Media Retreat. We will learn 6 book forms and several layering techniques that will put your prints to good use.

soft cover coptic stitch binding

Soft cover coptic binding is great for books that open flat.

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Just play for 20 minutes

You could start your day with 20 minutes of art play and see what a difference it makes.

meditative marks by linda germain

Of course it would:

  • need to be fun
  • need to be easy
  • could get messy

Somethings you could do to support your new art play practice:

  • Use just a few supplies
  • Set them up the day before
  • Use a 20 minute timer (time flies when you are having fun)

It has been said, “To stimulate creativity, one must develop the childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition.” (Albert Einstein)

If you would to join me in a bit of supported play, then check out the online workshops currently being offered.

Just play for 20 minutes Read More »

Zoom call doodles – good habit

It might not be what your boss suggests, but doodling during meetings and phone calls might be good for your for your visual art practice.

phone doodles

I recently did the doodle above during an hour long call.

I was suprised by all the different patterns I was able to create with simple lines dots and circles.

pen doodles

I think this mediative practice:

  • is easy to do with minimal supplies
  • suspends judgement – quiets your critical voice
  • can create some pleasing results to feed your art practice

For those reasons, I have added a daily meditative mark making prompt to the Mixed Media Retreat, the online class. Details on the workshop page.

playful drawing

I think meditative marks can:

  • be a source for stamp and tool making
  • be a way to learn to draw more shapes
  • be just plain fun and relaxing

Hope to see you in class.

sketchbooks in process

Zoom call doodles – good habit Read More »

Meditative Marks

Lately, I have been exploring the process of meditative mark making. You know those doodles that take you away. Or the drawings you do during a meeting or phone call.

circle doodles

I was wondering if those kinds of marks could be the basis for growing my personal lexicon of marks. I love that phrase lexicon of marks.  It just means mark making language, but sounds kind of beautiful.

repetitive mark making

I want to combine a bit of “scientific observation” and repetitive mark making to expands the kinds of marks that I can naturally draw and doodle.

painted and stamped meditative marks

  • What are your “go to” marks?
  • How do you go about expanding your lexicon of marks?
  • What tools do you use?

Something to think about. Happy making!

Looking for some mark making ideas and support then current online classes.

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Use your paper scraps

I trim a lot of paper and usually have a lot of scraps of the same size.

I use these paper trimmings to make:

  • small books
  • cards
  • to do list papers

use paper trimmings for small art works

My everyday print paper is Pacon heavyweight drawing paper, 90lb. I like to buy the ream 12″ x 18″.  Then I can cut some common sizes that are easy to frame.

Most recently I have been making a daily collage with odd scraps in the recycle bin. I pull out 5 pieces of paper and give myself 15 minutes to make a collage.

quick collage Linda germain

15 minute scraps collage

One time I used the trimmed paper from a book project to make a long skinny book for foam relief prints. So don’t throw those paper trimmings away.

drum leaf book of relief prints

I use a lot of little “To Do” lists. So I added some stamped marks to the bottom of some waste paper and made my lists a little more fun!

relief print to do list

So what do you think you could do with your paper scraps and trimmings? I hope I have stimulated your thoughts and you make some fun stuff!


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